Community News in Franklinville, NC

Sewer System Spills/Overflows – EWWW!!!!

They’re messy, bad for the environment, and can result in stiff penalties from regulators.

Sewer backups and overflows are frequently caused by improper materials such as fats, oils, and grease being placed in the sewer system by customers. Since fats, oils, and grease are lighter than water, they tend to accumulate at the top and sides of the sewer pipes and can build up until a blockage occurs. If a blockage happens, the sewer backs up and overflows, resulting in property and environmental damage.

By reducing the number of fats, oils, and grease that enter the system from homes, YOU can help protect the environment, and possibly your home, by preventing sewer backups and overflows.

Please Help Us with the grease problems in our system by:


  1. Collect grease in a container and dispose of in the garbage.
  2. Place food scraps in waste containers or garbage bags & dispose of in the garbage.
  3. Place a wastebasket in the bathroom to dispose of solid waste (e.g., feminine products, Q-tips, etc.)


  1. Put disposable diapers & personal hygiene products in the sewer.
  2. Pour oil and grease down drains.
  3. Wash fryers/griddles/pots/pans and plates with water until oil and grease are removed (wipe off grease with a paper towel before washing).
  4. Use hot water to rinse grease off surfaces.
  5. Put food scraps down drains.


Por favor, ayúdanos con problemas de grasa en la sistema del agua:

  1. No tire aceite o grasa en los drenajes.
  2. No lave con agua freidoras/planchas, olías/cacerolas y platos hasta que el aceite y la grasa hayan sido removidos.
  3. No use agua caliente para limpiar la grasa de las superficies.
  4. No tire desperdicios de comida en los drenajes.


Trunk or Treat and Hayrides!

Trunk or Treat was rescheduled to Friday, November 1st due to the Halloween weather forecast. But once again the Trunk or Treat with the addition of hayrides was a success! Thank you to everyone that came out and to all those who helped with the organization and planning of this community event. Thank you to the local churches for bringing their trunks filled with goodies. A special thank you to Kelly Wicker for providing his tractor and driving for the hayride. A great time was has by all!

Community Information in Franklinville, NC

Asheboro Kubota dealership ribbon cutting

Asheboro Kubota, 125 Red Rock Road (U.S. 64), Franklinville, celebrated the opening of its dealership with a ribbon cutting on April 6. Attending were Asheboro Mayor David Smith, Asheboro City Council members, Asheboro/Randolph Chamber members, Randolph County Commissioners, Franklinville Mayor Perry Conner, Franklinville Commissioners Richard Goodwin, Mac Whatley and Priscilla Dunn, Asheboro Kubota General Manager Ben Millikan and Asheboro Kubota Owner Joey Millikan.

Cemetery Gates Added

Due to vandalism, illegal dumping, and damage to existing headstones, the Town of Franklinville has partnered with the Franklinville United Methodist Church, to place gates at the two entrances of the cemetery. We hope this will help eliminate these problems. Keys can be obtained through check out at the Franklinville Town Hall or by contacting the preacher at the Methodist Church, Priscilla Dunn, Bob Hicks, Craig Smith or Mayor Perry Conner. If you have any questions, please call the Town Hall at 336-824-2604.

Trick-or-Treat in the Park

This year’s Trunk-or-Treat in the Park was a hit. Over 400 children visited the park in their Halloween costumes. Thank you to everyone who had a part in the success of the event. Our Riverside Park and Main Street were filled with people thanks to your time and effort. Special thank you to the churches who participated, to Arnold, Joe and Danny for setting up the park and making it look inviting and to the town office staff for promoting the event. We are looking forward to growing this event next year.

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